About Us
Kanagawa Vision Guide is a profound digital platform focused on providing comprehensive and reliable information about the stunning Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan. We aim to inspire and help both local residents and enthusiastic travelers by offering the most intricate details about this beautiful region.
Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to guide you, giving you unrivaled insights about the must-see attractions, historical landmarks, best local eateries, fascinating culture, and traditional festivals that Kanagawa has to offer. We envision Kanagawa Vision Guide as your reliable travel companion that simplifies your visit to the blessed prefecture of Kanagawa and gives you a real sense of the unique Japanese spirit of 'ichigo ichie' - ‘Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur.’
Our Story
Back in 2010, our founder, Keith Juarez, an ardent traveler and Japanophile, was struck by the rich =m^[ cultured charm and unique vitality of the Kanagawa Prefecture. Realizing the need for an informative and comprehensive guide to truly appreciate this region, he paired his entrepreneurial spirit with his passion for travel to create Kanagawa Vision Guide.
Keith envisioned a unique platform that would work as a bridge between the mystical Kanagawa Prefecture and the rest of the world. His strong belief in genuine, credible storytelling led to the creation of this platform.
What We Do
The Kanagawa Vision Guide team comprises highly-skilled, experienced editors, talented content creators, and dedicated team members who passionately work to bring unrivaled, up-to-date, and dynamic content to our audience. We curate the finest information available, combining it with charming narratives that are born out of extensive research and lived experiences.
Our Audience
Our dedicated content is intended for a broad audience, from locals who have been a lifetime resident here to tourists exploring Kanagawa for the first time. With a plethora of travel tips, culinary journeys, historical digests, and updates about significant cultural events, we aim to resonate with varied preferences and provide value to everyone.
Our Value
True information is empowering, and with Kanagawa Vision Guide, that's what you get. Our unique selection of useful, accurate, and engaging information sets us apart. We don't just offer facts; our narratives are interwoven with personal insights, anecdotes, and findings that provide you with an authentic feel for what Kanagawa truly is.
At Kanagawa Vision Guide, we prioritize the quality and reliability of our stories. Brings more individuals closer to the absolute, unadulterated beauty of Kanagawa is our greatest achievement.